Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information

Coronavirus (COVID-19) vs. Flu How does COVID-19 compare with the Flu? – COVID-19 is more contagious than the flu (each confirmed case infects 2.2 others).  The flu kills about 0.1% of the people that...

Making Safety a Priority

Health and safety are not always at the top of a Local Union’s priority list. Still, ICWU Local 45C’s safety committee is making safety a priority, especially during their Safe and Sound Week festivities....

Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards (CFATS)

John Morawetz from the ICWUC Health & Safety Department testified for the ICWUC and UFCW on June 4 at a Senate Homeland Security Committee roundtable. We support a multi-year reauthorization of the Chemical Facility...

EHS Spotlight: Local 45c

The ICWUC Center for Worker Health & Safety Education would like to acknowledge Local 45c for making this happen!

D.O.L. Trade Release

The U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is reminding employers that the deadline for electronically submitting their 2017 Form 300A data to OSHA is July 1, 2018. Electronic submissions are...

News from the Health and Safety Department

Most workers understand that they have safety and health protections on their jobs. Although enforcing those protections can be tricky. The primary enforcement agency in many workplaces is the Occupational Safety and Health Administration...

ICWUC Organizing Rewards program pays out!

Pictured below is Greg Malone, President of Local 252c, receiving a check from the ICWUC for finding the lead that resulted in an organizing win of 95 new members at Consolidated Nuclear Securities in...