Lance Heasley
(234) 206-4001
Lance is the 8th President since the International Chemical Workers Union was originally Chartered in 1944. Lance came on staff in January of 2015 as an organizer. Since being hired he has taken 28 organizing campaigns to NLRB election (winning 26). Lance has been a member of Local 45C in New Martinsville, WV since 1998, serving the members of his local in various capacities (Vice President, Negotiations Committee, Grievance Committee, PAUSE Committee, AFL-CIO Delegate & Steward) prior to coming to the Council. While a member of Local 45C, he also served as 1 of 4 Zone Coordinators for the WVAFL-CIO during the 2014 election cycle.

Secretary Treasurer
Ricky Lawrence
(601) 624-1383